
Welcome to our project, Werkhaus Inclusion! Here, you can collaborate, experiment, and innovate alongside others—for yourself, for others and for our world.

Werkhaus is…

…your opportunity to try out something new! A business, an organization, a better perspective for you, for others, for our world. Explore yourself and your idea – first small, then big. And when you’re ready, get started with the support of all of us!

The Werkhaus offers you a secure and inspiring entry into the world of entrepreneurship. With exciting workshops, multilingual consulting, intensive one-on-one coaching, active support from our network, and a flexible workspace in our creative coworking space, we aim to support you and your startup idea! Take a look at our program! The Werkhaus Start Up Lab is aimed at everyone who wants to start something or become self-employed.

The Werkhaus offer was made possible only through the energetic and financial support of many. It requires sharp ideas, helping hands, valuable advice, open ears, supporters and first users or customers. See who’s already involved and even better: join in yourself! Do you have questions for us? Contact us! We’re happy to receive your message!

Idea Forge and Start Up Support

Werkhaus Labor

NEW! Apply for a Preschool in Erfurt or in Jena and beginn building your own business at the Werkhaus Start-up Lab.

Werkhaus Coworking

Inclusive Start-up Consulting & Coworking

Your space to develop and boost your start-up idea! Apply for a spot in the Werkhaus Start-up Lab and receive a free workspace in our coworking space at Saline 34!

Förderprogramm für Mikroprojekte


Ihr seid drei Freund*innen oder mehr? Und wenn ihr nur das Geld dazu hättet, dann würdet ihr eure Ideen mal ausprobieren oder genau das auf die Beine stellen, was ihr vermisst oder selbst erleben wollt? Jetzt kann‘s losgehen: mit Gamechanger!

Inovation process

Open social Innovation

Inclusion, demographic change, digitization and climate protection are no trends of a distant future. They hold opportunities and potential and pose very real challenges for organizations. Now is the time to actively shape change and find sustainable solutions for the future!



Die Welt ist voller Herausforderungen und Chancen. Lerne Deine Ressourcen, Dein Potential, Deine Kreativität kennen! Entdecke Dich neu und erwecke den unternehmerischen Geist in Dir!

Up Spot Inklusion

Inklusive Gründungsberatung & Coworking

Als Partner im Coworking Netzwerk “Up Thüringen” waren wir von April bis Juli 2022 der „UP Spot“!

Wir haben, Gründer*innen, Interessierte, Unternehmer*innen und Berater*innen in Austausch gebracht und über Impulse, Workshops und Netzwerkveranstaltungen die Gründungslandschaft in Erfurt und Thüringen gemeinsam inklusiver gestaltet!