Open Social Innovation

We help organizations and stakeholders in urban and rural areas find future-proof solutions for very specific challenges!

The world is changing. Inclusion, demographic change, digitalization, climate protection and adaptation are not just distant future trends. They present both opportunities and challenges for organizations today. It’s time to actively shape these changes and find sustainable solutions for the future. To do this, we offer an innovation process:

The best solutions emerge when various perspectives are considered, particularly those of the users. This isn’t always easy, but we believe that socially relevant problems can only be solved sustainably in this way. Open social innovation processes have the potential to involve even those who are rarely given the opportunity to participate. How can this work? By someone taking the initiative and setting a good example. That’s why we’re looking for courageous organizations facing challenges and willing to address them together with those affected in a Design Thinking process.

Design Thinking is an approach that uses innovation methods to develop problem-solving and new ideas. The goal is to develop and test solutions that align the needs of the users with the capabilities of the organization offering them.


Sichtweise definieren
Ideen finden
Prototypen entwickeln
Ideen testen